Happy 2012

For my second blog post ever, I thought I’d join A Teacher’s Treasure and link up again. Happy New Year everyone!

My Personal Goals:

1. Do at least one agility trial with my corgi dog.
2. Keep going to the gym at least twice a week.
3. Learn to cook. The hubby does all the cooking while I grade papers, blog stalk, plan… Seriously, the only things I really know how to make are grilled cheese and tacos…not so impressive…
4. Keep blogging and blog hopping. Everyone’s amazing teacher blogs have truly changed the way I teach. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

My Professional Goals:

1. Be a better teacher (always).
2. Finish my Masters/Reading Specialist credential in May. Yay!!!
3. Start a TpT store. TpT has also changed the way I teach! Thank you amazing teachers out there who create amazing stuff!
4. Create more stuff for my students and share it!
5. Stay calm at all times. I feel like I freak out sometimes, and I know it’s important to keep the big picture in mind. I need one of those keep calm pictures from Pinterest. ☺

Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment

  1. great goals!!!! I'm with ya on the stay calm!!! You're almost finishing your masters... so jealous!!!!

    Thanks for linking up!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure
