Hi friends! I hope you are squeezing all the fun out of these last few weeks of summer!!!
As we start to think about the upcoming school year, this might be a tool you can use in your classroom!
Have you heard of Edmodo???
As we start to think about the upcoming school year, this might be a tool you can use in your classroom!
Have you heard of Edmodo???
It's like Facebook for the classroom (and much safer and secure!!!)
Here's their online schpeel (is that a word??? Don't think so):
Here's their online schpeel (is that a word??? Don't think so):
I've used Edmodo in my classroom for the past year with my 2nd graders and I loved it! I've primarily used it with writing and reading response. In the beginning, I would post a question or a prompt, and the kids would respond. Once we got rolling, they were able to post their own questions to each other, and respond to other student's responses. (Does that make sense???) Sometimes it was a must do, other times it was something the kiddos could do when they finished their work. Take a look!
In the beginning of the year, I was so disappointed in the responses I was getting on Edmodo. One word, no thought responses. Then I realized I needed to teach them how to respond in a thoughtful and appropriate manner. (A lesson on completed sentences didn't hurt, either! ;-) By the end of the year, I was floored with how much improvement they had made, and about the overall content of their responses.
Here are some positives about Edmodo:
- It allows everyone to be heard- even your quietest students!
- You can use it with any subject area! Any!
- It works on both devices and the website. So, you don't necessarily need iPads or iPods in your classroom to use it! Just computers.
- It's free!
- It's got a Facebook feel to it so the kids like it too!
- Kids and families can access it from home!
- There's an app for it! (Just like everything else, right! :-)
- It took a looooooooooog time to teach my 2nd graders how to use this. I think they just weren't used to typing and how to post things, etc. But once they learned, easy cheesy and well worth it! I probably wouldn't use it with kiddos under 2nd grade. (Have you used it with K or 1st??? If so, I'd love to hear about it!)
- The first thing the kids like to do is go in and change their profile picture. :)
- It is a great opportunity to discuss appropriate things to post, and how when we post things online, they are there for everyone to see. For example, posting "You are stooped. You are not my frend enymor" is not appropriate. (This could also lead to a great spelling lesson!!!)
Have you used Edmodo??? I'd love to hear about it!!!