Fun New App!

Happy summer! I have been up to a whole lot of nothing lately!!! And I'm enjoying every second of it! 

So I figured I need to get myself into gear and start working on school stuff and tackling The List....

I promise I'll start next week!!! ;-)

Since my class will be going 1:1 next year with iPads (I am SO incredibly LUKCY and so EXCITED!), I have been busy this summer playing around with doing some very important research on apps and projects that I can use in the classroom next year. I found this FUN and FREE app that you might like! (If not for your classroom, then maybe for you!) :)

It's called Papelook

and it allows you to cut and trim pictures, add text and icons, and it has lots of fun backgrounds too! (Click on the picture to take you to the app store!) 

It's really fun...!!! (As in, I spent waaaay too much time playing with this.... but that's what summer's all about, right!?!?!) 

Here are two pictures I created using it (and I'm sorry if you're tired of seeing my dogs all over this blog... :) 

I could see the kids using this app to:

  • Take a picture of a character in a book and create a reading response this way.
  • Take a picture of a math problem and add an explanation to show their thinking. 
  • Label science experiments. 
The possibilities are endless...!!!

Have fun!!!


  1. First off, TOTALLY jealous of the whole iPad thing!
    2nd... never get sick of your adorable dogs. are SUPPOSED to play during the summer - that's the point! :D

  2. What a fun app!! I'm totally jealous of your iPads too!! That's awesome to have those in your classroom. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. We have iPad envy over here...That would be so awesome! Love the app. Too fun. Thanks for giving us another reason to do nothing! We said next week too...we shall see... :)

    Christy & Tammy

  4. Thank you! I will check this out. I am your newest follower!
    Eileen Griffin
    Second Grade Sunshine

  5. I am curious as to how you will use the iPad in your classroom this year? What are the pros vs cons? Debating this for my own classroom this year.
