Instagram Fun and #teachertalktuesday

First of all, I heart Instagram!!! 

It's such a quick and easy way to capture small, special, silly, incredible moments and share! 

I'm so excited Rachelle and Michelle are hosting Teacher Talk Tuesday on Instagram! This is going to be so much fun! 

It took me a while to figure out Instagram, so here are a few helpful tips:

- It's kinda like Facebook but with only pictures!
- You feel like a fancy schmancy photographer with all the filters!
- Tag friends with the @ symbol
- The # is an easy way to search for specific things! 

 Come follow my school adventures 
@ soaring_through_2nd 
and leave your username in the comments! I'd love to follow all of your adventures! 

See you on Instagram!!! :-) 


  1. Wooohoooo! I figured it out! So proud!
    Second In Line

  2. I have been seeing everyone getting instagram accounts and now I'm thinking I need one too!!! I just don't know if I'll have the time to keep up with it! Yours is adorable though! I will have to go check it out... it just might convince me to get one!! :)

  3. Yay - I know we already see each other on there but now Tuesdays will be even more fun. xoxo

  4. Following! My username is chickadeejubilee

    Chickadee Jubilee

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