I'm so excited to finally have the time on this rainy Sunday afternoon here in SoCal to share a little about my Vegas adventure with you! What a wonderful and inspiring time!
Here a some of my favorite pictures!
With some of my favorite people:
These ladies are absolutely INCREDIBLE. Uplifting. Inspiring. Funny. Truly amazing women!
And here are my three BIG take aways:
(Duh, right.) This was a big AH HA for me, though. I really just need to sit down, and do it. I have so many ideas and goals I'd like to accomplish (both personally, with this little blog, with TpT, at school, and so many more), and none of those things will actually happen unless I sit down and make it happen. Although it's not always easy- as I type I'm trying to keep my one year old from throwing the clean laundry -that *still* needs to be folded- into the trash can....

This goes for anything, right! We all got so much GREAT advice about how you can do things and how often you should blog and the best time of day to pin things and SO. Much. Information. There's no one right way. I just need to continue on with why I started this blog and TpT- because it it's fun for me. I enjoy it. And nothing is going to change that. So, I'm going to blog when I want to. About what I want to. (If that includes my family, so be it.) I'm going to post on Instagram when I feel like it or when inspiration hits. I might post picture of my dogs or school stuff or silly stuff- whatever. I'm not even going to try to take on Facebook for this blog or Periscope... #notenoughhoursintheday. This is just how it's going to be for me. And I'm just going to own it. It'll be my own "right way."

For me, balance is still key. I want to create amazing things and be an awesome teacher and do absolutely everything, but my family will always be my number one. Always. And that's okay with me.
Did you go to Vegas!? What were your big take aways?? I'd love to hear!