What's a Digital Resource & How Do I Share Them With my Students???

Have you heard of digital resources? So are you wondering what a digital resource is? Want to know what you need to do in order to use them? And how to share them with your students? I'm here to help!

If you’re wondering what a digital resource is, or how to get started using them with your students, I’ve got you covered in this massive blog post. There are video tutorials to walk you through, step by step, what you need to do to get started, how to use and share digital resources with your students, and why they can be a game changer! Freebie included to get you started!


Organizing Your Classroom Library Check-Out System Using Google Forms & Sheets {A Video Tutorial}

Tired of losing books from your classroom library? Have a checkout system for students that's just not working? Wish you had a quick and easy way to figure out who checked out which book and when?


Here's a great way to think about your classroom library check-out system for the upcoming school year!

Use Google Forms and Sheets to create a classroom library checkout system that works! A step by step video tutorial to get you organized for the upcoming school year!